I created this page to answer this question, but also to address the constant misinformation that is always propagated by other people who tell you, and me, what I believe and what I stand for. So, when you see some random “expert” parasocialite telling you, or proclaiming what I am, or what I stand for, feel free to share this link.

Thank you. 

What are your politics?

"What are your politics?"
"Who did you vote for?"
"You're a commie!"
Ad nauseam...

For a decade now experiencing the surreal state of being a micro celebrity, I have been asked and pleaded with for what my "politics" are.   

You know, what team did I choose?  

What flag, designed by some one else, long ago, I associate with.   

I hesitate to reply to these requests, as well as the assaults, as I don't think such a thing can be defined by the simple context of a word that was codified by "powerful" people who died well before even my birth, and likely your birth as well.   

Should you align with this fraud, or that fraud?  
Which one of these binary choices anger you least?  
Which one lies to you most persuasively with the more silver of tongues that they supposedly have your interests at heart?
Which one speaks to the causes you've been told to believe in?   

Time and time again we see the vast majority of subjects bemoan the choices given to them, and then even more disturbingly, bow to the realities of the subsequent result.  

Well, here we are.  

Finally the time that I have decided to reveal to you my "politics".  

It is simple.  
My politics are freedom.

Liberation of the human: mind, body, and spirit.

This word, freedom, does not align with the interests of any nation state.  This word does not align with the interests of any corporation.  This word does not align with any institutionalized religious entities.  This word does not align with even the founding of the supposedly "free country" from which I write this: the good ol' US of A.

You see, freedom is the most dangerous of politics.  When one is dedicated to it, the façade of all the lies becomes an almost unbearable burden.   You have been lied to all your life.  We have been the targets of constant indoctrination, and marketing campaigns so powerful that they would have been incomprehensible to the most despicable of propagandists only 70 years ago... hell, 10 years ago.

To truly commit yourself to the politics of freedom, you must make hard choices and stand by them.  You must be willing to be mostly lonely, until you can find that small handful of other truly committed freedomites.   The reality is most people don't want freedom, they can't even comprehend it.  They've likely never experienced it.  They used that word, freedom, along with so many other politically charged words (which they also do not actually understand) as an excuse to subjugate themselves, and their world, to the hands of others who will give them that freedom.

Freedom cannot be given, nor is it granted. 
It must be seized. 
Thirsted for and longed for.  

Freedom requires that we speak out for those who need it most, and leverage our place, and privileges (whatever they may be), in the interest of all human liberation. 

Humanity can not be free without natural, open and untouched places for it to thrive, for its mind and soul to heal and wander.   True freedom can not exist when all natural and public space are eradicated in the interests of so called progress.  Freedom therefore also requires we speak for that which has no voice in its own future - the flora, the fauna and all natural spaces rapidly being consumed by the malignant growth of urban sprawl for the profit of the few with the subjugation the many….who they themselves have been indoctrinated in the one true religion of our modern society: consumption.

Once you've tasted true freedom, let me warn you, you will forever chase that dragon.  

Once you find more, you will thirst with an insatiable desire that others will too.  It will become so ever so obvious that the best of freedom is that which is when you share it with others:

Community building and mutual support. Giving and helping is a gift to the giver as much (if not more so) to the receiver. The more free people you have as found family the free'er you are.  The free'er they are, and ultimately, the free'er we all are. 

Actual freedom is not earned on the backs of others.  It must come with the benefit of others, and the community around you.  It requires responsibility to assist those who need help as you will understand tomorrow that may be you; and inevitably, one day it will be you.   

Freedom is not survival of fittest, but the acknowledgement that it is community and mutual aid that makes us all more free together, the consideration of the other... and demanding their consideration of you.  It is not timid, and it is not safe, but you cannot be free if you oppress others.  We as as a species can ever be truly free unless everyone is, so you must pursue what you can achieve in your spaces and communities in the interests of the bigger, greater vision.   Perhaps it is an impossible goal, but this is irrelevant.  Every minute I've spent tasting that true nectar of freedom and community tells me that it is the only answer worth pursuit, and while I crave more for myself, I crave it for you more.

So, I lift no flag but the black one.  The plain black flag has no icons on it, it has no nationstate associated with it.  It is not brought to you by a corporation, nor is it infected with theocracy.   It is the closest symbol that speaks to the true pursuit of freedom. It discards the baggage of any ism, because there is no ism that will bring you freedom, while ironically being associated with an ism. 

So what are my politics? 

It's as simple as that.   

In conclusion, there should at least be one prominent and obvious question in the mind of you the reader lingering:

Why do you not just say anarchism?

And to that I answer:
Because it's an ism.
